Thursday, May 30, 2013


First day in Tokyo and I take a train out of the city to Kamakura to goto Zuisenji Temple and garden. I have to take 3 trains a bus and then walk. When I got off the bus I tagged along with 3 ladies that made me feel tall to navigate to the temple. Everyone here is so helpful and many speak some English.  Zuisenji was excavated and restored in 1970. I was born in 1970 so it seems like it serendipitously turned out perfect.
This is the entrance to the Zuisenji Temple. Ji means temple

This temple is tucked away in the mountains.
It was excavated and restored in 1970, which makes it a perfect spot for the first marble since that is the year I was born.
To the right of this main gate there is a small pool for cleansing your hands before entry.
This seemed like a perfect spot to place one at the bottom. If you look carefully for the red and green you can see it.
A few photos of the inside.
This tree is being braced up with other logs.
I really wanted to ring this bell.
For some reason in an area where the public were not allowed there were a huge number of women in traditional kimono. So beautiful.
This was a shrine where you put some change in the box and lit some incense. I snuck in some of mom's ashes here.
As I was walking away from  the temple I began to cry and feel a sense of loning and that I was leaving my mom behind. I wanted to go back and get her but I knew she was in a beautiful place that she always wanted to see so who was I to not let her be. 

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