Friday, June 14, 2013


Second long travel day got me to Aomori. 4 trains to Aomori and a 40 min bus ride out of the city in to the holds, specifically Moya Hills. There was a beautiful hostel.
My room, it was a female dorm room, but I was the only woman there. There were a few Japanese men of a motor bike outing.
The owner was a self-proclaimed Ireland freak. He has been there 4 times. He even ha Guinness on tap. and sold whiskey and s scotch  by the shot. Very funny. He speaks great english. 
After a long travel day siting before the in hostel group dinner, I went for a walk. Saw this sign. no idea what t says, but it looks like a guys with a bucket to me. 

Up a hill where even in the woods you can find shrines. This one was full of crickets, quite startled by my opening of the shrine.
At the top of the hill was a ski resort and a magnificent view.
I went back to the hostel to a huge meal that required a walk afterwards as well for digestion. 
Then at 9 the owner offered tea made from flowers from his garden and cookies. We sat around and mostly they talked in Japanese but made some effort to include me and the owner translated some. 
To bed for the next day was the last of my ash pilgrimages.

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